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28 Feb


A Worshiper’s Heart

February 28, 2015 | By |

THE CONDITION OF THE WORSHIPER’S HEART IS ALWAYS GOD’S PRIMARY INTEREST AND THE ONLY TRUE REQUIREMENT FOR WORSHIP. God isn’t concerned with our outward appearance but rather our heart. We hear many times that David was “a man after God’s own heart”. There was something that God saw in David that He didn’t see in others. It was David’s love for the Lord. God saw spiritual character in David and He is looking for the same spiritual character in other Christians. If we want a true heart of worship, we must first have an intimate relationship with God, second surrender our will to God’s will and third, have a broken and contrite spirit. We must also learn to take care of our hearts. Proverbs 4:23 tells us that “above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”. This means that we must defend it continually from possible external attacks of the enemy (watch what you’re reading, watch what you’re listening to, watch who you’re around and watch what you believe). True worship requires a lifestyle change that is reflective of Jesus Christ. The heart of the worship is the worship of the heart.
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