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29 Jul


Celebrating 10 Years of Pouring S.A.L.T.

July 29, 2024 | By |

Jesus identifies the disciples as “the salt of the earth”.  In Matt 5:13 (NIV) Jesus says:  You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

He’s also telling us, that as believers, we should influence the world by the way we live and act towards one another.

Living as salt and light is a continuous journey. It requires daily surrendering to God’s will, an open heart to love and serve others, and a commitment to live out our faith authentically.  It’s by living this way that The S.A.L.T Connection has made a profound impact on the lives of those around us and brought glory to God.  

Next month, we will be celebrating our 10-year anniversary. Many of you have played an important role in the impact of this ministry, and we have so much to celebrate!

Since our inception, The S.A.L.T. Connection has provided Christian education and spiritual mentoring to more than 50 women with a graduation rate of over 84%. We have also introduced many women to Christ through community events and our partnership with other non-profit organizations. Would you join us as we continue the assignment that God has given us?  To help; please click on the link below to give your generous donation so we can continue Kingdom Business that is pleasing to God.