In 2019, my dad was diagnosed with cancer right at the beginning of me starting my first S.A.L.T. class and I asked “Lord, how can this be happening right now when I’m trying to get closer to you?
In 2020, COVID attacked the world; which was another distraction to keep me from studying the Bible. During my mid-term evaluation, Dad passed away. This was a crushing moment, but I clung to God’s Word and embraced His promises. I held my dad’s hand, read his favorite scripture, kissed him on his forehead, and prayed. It was then that I noticed a tear drop falling from his eye and I watched him transition to his new home with our Heavenly Father.
Without the Word of God being poured into me by an amazing group of Godly women, I don’t know where I would be. They provided the education and resources to help me know God more intimately through studying His word, applying it in my life and gaining a desire to pour into others. God’s Word tells us repeatedly that we should meditate on it day and night. Committing to studying the Bible and applying it to your life, impacts your intimate relationship with Him. It enables you to fully reflect God’s character.
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
– Joshua 1:8 (NIV)
The S.A.L.T. Connection is a great place to start in having a better relationship with our Heavenly Father. We offer two programs to best suit your spiritual needs: a nine-week and nine-month program. Learn more about the programs on our website and don’t be afraid to sign up and watch God transform your life. The Triune God is the Christian belief that God is one being in three persons: the Father, son and Holy Spirit.
A door is a symbol of opportunity, mainly concerning spiritual advancement and spreading the gospel. How do you know that an open door is really from God?
The door that God opens will never contradict His Word.
The door that God opens will always be accompanied by confirmation.
The door that God opens will require you to depend on Him.
The door has been opened for The S.A.L.T. Connection, and you can see him moving, never contradicting His word, providing confirmation and requiring us to depend on Him for all of our needs. There’s nothing like the love of our Good Father in Heaven. As the world changes around us, we need God more than ever. We have been called to serve Him, advance His kingdom and use our gifts for Him.
Revelation 3:8 (NIV) states: “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”
Because of the faithfulness, commitment to keep God’s word and remaining loyal to Him; God keeps His promises to reward The S.A.L.T. Connection. Our ministry continues to pour God’s word into women, so they can pour into other women.
To continue to stand on the promises of God, we ask that you support us in expanding our mission in our local communities of Collin, Denton and Grayson counties. Would you please help with a one-time or reoccurring monthly donation and the opportunity to be one of God’s soldiers on the battlefield? Choose your payment option by clicking on the donation button below.
Over the past 10 years, The SALT Connection has been pouring into to women through the ministry of teaching, training, discipling and mentoring. This is the way that we’ve demonstrated God’s love and compassion for others.
And now the Lord has given to us. We have been blessed to move into our new office space at The Hope Center, so that we can now hold classes and future events.
Giving is a central concept that involves more than just monetary donations. The Bible teaches that giving is a form of worship that reflects God’s character as a generous provider. As we continue to pour out the little we have, we will continue to experience the more God has for us.
Deuteronomy 15:10 (NIV) states “Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” Remember God is pleased with those who give willingly and joyfully than those who give out of obligation.
God has given us the opportunity to expand our ministry, and with your monetary support we can further our mission in our new office space in 2025. Please click on the link below to give your generous donation so we can continue great work for the Kingdom of God.
Jesus identifies the disciples as “the salt of the earth”. In Matt 5:13 (NIV) Jesus says: You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
He’s also telling us, that as believers, we should influence the world by the way we live and act towards one another.
Living as salt and light is a continuous journey. It requires daily surrendering to God’s will, an open heart to love and serve others, and a commitment to live out our faith authentically. It’s by living this way that The S.A.L.T Connection has made a profound impact on the lives of those around us and brought glory to God.
Next month, we will be celebrating our 10-year anniversary. Many of you have played an important role in the impact of this ministry, and we have so much to celebrate!
Since our inception, The S.A.L.T. Connection has provided Christian education and spiritual mentoring to more than 50 women with a graduation rate of over 84%. We have also introduced many women to Christ through community events and our partnership with other non-profit organizations. Would you join us as we continue the assignment that God has given us? To help; please click on the link below to give your generous donation so we can continue Kingdom Business that is pleasing to God.
Learning to be generous with God naturally leads you to be that cheerful giver God loves. In 2 Corinthians 9, it reminds us that God is perfectly able to replenish whatever you give, so you can be generous on all occasions, which will result in thanksgiving to God.
God doesn’t want gifts motivated by a sense of duty or obligation. He wants us to give out of joy and compassion. The S.A.L.T. Connection ministry continues to teach God’s word and uplift the Kingdom of God. We seek other Christian-minded people, who are excited about kingdom building. We extend the opportunity to you to join us through your generous donations. Click here to make your charitable donation.
Remember God loves a cheerful giver. Our generosity should be founded in love, not duty.
To trust in the Lord means more than believing in who He is and what He says. With everything we go through in life: pain, loss, tragedy, and grief; we must trust God. Get to know God personally to truly trust Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) states “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.”
The Lord is a Provider, a Protector, a Healer, and your Best Friend. Everyday rely on Him only. Pray without ceasing and know that with Him everything is possible, because God can do all things. After praying, listen to the small still voice inside of you and obediently follow the instructions given to you.
The S.A.L.T. Connection Ministry is a faith-based nonprofit organization that provides education to help Christian women learn how to study God’s Word for a victorious life. As our ministry continues to trust God to make provisions to help meet the need of the community, we welcome like-minded nonprofit organizations to join us. You can make a one-time donation or setup a recurring donation by clicking here.
New beginnings are around you and within you everyday. You don’t need to wait for a clean slate. God is in the business of making all things new. His healing brings restoration beyond understanding, no matter where you come from or what you’ve done.
God calls us to let go of “former things,” so we can cling to our new identity in Christ.
Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV) states: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
God is daily making things new in The S.A.L.T. Connection Ministry and we ask that you will partner with us in kingdom building, teaching God’s Word to others and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are thanking God in advance for “like-minded” non-profit organizations that will join us. It’s a New Year and on your journey to becoming a New You, join us and click here to make a one-time donation or setup a recurring donation.
When we put our trust in Jesus, He rains down promises of forgiveness and eternal life. Just as the rain comes and refreshes, cleanses, and makes the ground fruitful, the blessing of His Spirit brings the same qualities into our lives.
Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) states “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
No matter what you’re going through, remember God wants to rain down His blessings on you. God is with you, even in the rain.
The S.A.L.T. Connection is currently working on getting grants so that we can be a blessing to others. We would like to partner with other “like-minded” non-profit organizations. Partner with us through your generous donations and be a blessing to others, “Even in the Rain.” You can click here to make a one-time donation or setup a recurring donation.
Some may have to weather a spiritual storm a little longer than others. Storms come in our lives to make us stronger; however, they will not be over until God says they are over.
When you have hope in God and focus on His promises, He will renew your strength. Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) states: “But those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
While in the midst of a spiritual storm, you must Praise, Pray, and Persevere. Remember to ask God to renew your strength and believe that those who trust in Him are recipients of His gracious strength.
God is daily strengthening The S.A.L.T. Connection and we are asking you to partner with us in ministry growth through generous donations. You can click here to make a one-time donation or setup a recurring donation.
Our lives are to be ordered under God as King. The kingdom work we do is not about us or our personal dreams. We need to understand that God’s Kingdom priorities should bring wholeness. As we see God’s miraculous work in our midst, we should be ready for change and have a greater trust in Him.
Praying earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers out into His harvest is important. Luke 10:2 (KJV) states: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few.” Today, let’s be more like God by going out into the cities and villages teaching and proclaiming His Word. Let’s be intentional by praying, fasting, studying and obeying God’s Word so we can help meet the needs of others.
The harvest is ripe for The SALT Connection! Through your generous donations and support, God has allowed us to partner with New Hope Christian Fellowship of Denison, TX. Through this partnership, a new eight-week SALT Pouring Class has been implemented. These classes will give women the basic instructions of how to effectively study the bible for spiritual growth.
To help us continue the work of God, your support is greatly appreciated. You can click here to make a one-time donation or setup a recurring donation.