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10 Mar


The Many Blessings You Can Find Studying God’s Word

March 10, 2025 | By |

In 2019, my dad was diagnosed with cancer right at the beginning of me starting my first S.A.L.T. class and I asked “Lord, how can this be happening right now when I’m trying to get closer to you?   

In 2020, COVID attacked the world; which was another distraction to keep me from studying the Bible. During my mid-term evaluation, Dad passed away. This was a crushing moment, but I clung to God’s Word and embraced His promises. I held my dad’s hand, read his favorite scripture, kissed him on his forehead, and prayed. It was then that I noticed a tear drop falling from his eye and I watched him transition to his new home with our Heavenly Father. 

Without the Word of God being poured into me by an amazing group of Godly women, I don’t know where I would be. They provided the education and resources to help me know God more intimately through studying His word, applying it in my life and gaining a desire to pour into others. God’s Word tells us repeatedly that we should meditate on it day and night.  Committing to studying the Bible and applying it to your life, impacts your intimate relationship with Him. It enables you to fully reflect God’s character. 

An individual in a knitted sweater holds a Holy Bible and wears a cross necklace, symbolizing faith.

The S.A.L.T. Connection is a great place to start in having a better relationship with our Heavenly Father. We offer two programs to best suit your spiritual needs: a nine-week and nine-month program. Learn more about the programs on our website and don’t be afraid to sign up and watch God transform your life. The Triune God is the Christian belief that God is one being in three persons: the Father, son and Holy Spirit.   

28 Feb


Intimate Relationships

February 28, 2015 | By |

Relationships are about meeting people where they are. Relationships require us to be compassionate and demonstrate the love of Jesus. When we explore the life of Jesus, we find that He met people right where they were. Jesus’ ministry began with individual relationships. Jesus saw His disciples through a different set of eyes and was always looking for opportunities to develop relationships with them. He saw who they could become rather than who they were. If we expect to develop relationships, we must follow the examples of Jesus. Making disciples is not possible without establishing intimate relationships with people. Building successful relationships will require us to forfeit our selfish desires and commit ourselves to thinking about the needs of others.
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